One of our clients was concerned about how we can confer successful outcomes.

The answer was Through Intent Data.

Intent Data Definition:

Intent data annexes the online comportment that Intuit accounts that are actively researching with adjudge to peculiar products or services. This Data triggers the intent score. As the research that regards peculiar products or services increases, the Intent score increases which divulges the commendatory possibility of purchasing the product or service of that enterprise.

Intent Data Emanate:

When buyers have pitfalls, they go online on various digital platforms and usually accrete stacks of digital impressions due to depleting content online. As early as we can track the buyer’s online behavior, we can have better and faster reach than competitors reaching the prospect.

Buyers online digital impressions include:

  • Download Whitepaper
  • Read Case Study
  • Search
  • Attend Webinar
  • Registration
  • Product Reviews
  • Website Visits
  • View Infographic
  • Subscribing Newsletter

Reason for Nifty of Intent Data:

The Data is floating with B2B Marketers from having contact details to lead engagement ranking where marketers can extract legions of deet points of buyers in the sales cycle and get obsolete expeditiously when they are Trapped in a Marketing tool. Most Marketers move onward by taking a butcher on this antiquated data, instead, they should what prospects are looking to have right now or track their behavior when they are in the operative, occupied demand phase.

Grain of B2B Data:

The Intent Data is pragmatic when the other two B2B data types soothe it. The Buyer’s Behavior exists in three types: 

  • FIT:

Fit Data subsists of various types of segregating personas. Persona comprises of job level, job function, company profile, industry, etc. Fit Data can help us if the contacts are comme il faut.

  • Intent:

Intent Data is composed of prospects showing the intent of procuring a product or service. It is beneficial as it is the precise time to captivate the prospects. Success is illustrious when we coalesce intent data with additional signals and Fit Data.

  • Opportunity:

Opportunity data is the assent state of a sale for the enterprise. When the enterprise shows up with Funding, Changes in C-Level, or Mergers it is the assent conditions for sale.

ILK of Intent Data:

Intent data extracts data from the criteria such as IP addresses and cookies spoor prospects’ buying behavior. There are two types of Intent Data: First-Party Intent Data and Third-Party Intent Data.

  1. First-Party Intent Data:

First Party Intent Data is about tracking the precise data points of buyers on our website through various analytics tools at the back of our website. It can cover Email Campaigns or inbound activity like tracking activity through landing pages, webinars, and E-books that load the data in the Lead Scoring Model.

  1. Third-Party Data:

Third-Party Intent Data perceives buyer’s activity universally to pile up overall view of Prospects activity. The prospects usually scout excess material online before making any buying decision.

Many Top-notch organizations coalesce the First and Third-Party Intent Data to track the overall buyer’s journey. The Third-Party data analyses First-Party Intent data to help organizations jump to their prospects before competitor approaches them.